Mestherpati Admin replied

338 weeks ago

Turks In Space Movie Hindi Free Download

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646f9e108c A family of Turks try to adapt to life in a new solar system.
Every major cult film fan has watched "Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam" (Man who saves the world) aka Turkish Star Wars. Quarter a century after that was released ,we get a sequel -"Dunyayi Kurtaran Adamin oglu" (Son of the man who saves the world). While the original was meant to be a serious science fiction adventure, this one attempts to be a parody of the old film and various other science fiction films in the vein of G.O.R.A. Needless to say, the result is cinematic sewage.<br/><br/>The film is a basically a serious of gags , none of which are close to being remotely funny. The acting is even worse. Erbil has already sealed his spot in the acting hall of shame with the lame shrek-wannabe Keloglan (he was even worse than Petek Dincoz, which should tell you how amazingly bad he was). Cuneyt Arkin seems to be sleepwalking. Sinem Kobal who is one of the most promising young Turkish actresses working today, would want to erase this off her resume for her career's sake.<br/><br/>The sad news is that this film actually did well at the box office, so we will soon be hit with the inevitable sequel. Let's hope that it completely flops so that the public is spared from another 2 hours of garbage.
Awful,disgusting,pointless I can write more negative words but it would be a waste of time… Has to be the worst movie and it shocked me when I saw the movie in the middle of the bottom list because it has to be the 1 in the list. My little brother has slept in the cinema and said 'Can we get our money back?'. Mehmet Ali Erbil's masterpiece(!). Don't watch this movie… It is a waste of time… By the way I want to talk about Turkish Sci-Fi movies. When I saw the trailer of 'Dünyayı Kurtaran Adamın Oğlu' I was pretty happy because finally Turkish Cinema leveled up and shoot a film about space but I was wrong. It was a stupid comedy movie with a very low quality of Space Ship graphics and area. If we see 'Dünyayı Kurtaran Adamın Torunu' it won't be a surprise. May be it can be the number one in the bottom list…

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last edited 260 weeks ago by Mestherpati

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