7cb1d79195 High school seniors Logan and Blake prepare for an epic Spring Breakthey travel to the beautiful and exotic Mexican beach resort of Puerto Vallarta hoping to hook up with their high school crushes. Surrounded by hot girls in teeny bikinis, the guys are truly in heaven. After meeting at a club, Logan falls for a mysterious local beauty named Gaby but then realizes the next morning, when his grandfather&#39;s Rolex watch is missing, that she was after more than just his heart. Things go from bad to worse when the guys discover that the valuable family heirloom is now in the hands of a gangster who demands to be paid triple the watch&#39;s value before returning it. And that&#39;s just the beginning… This is honestly one of the best movies I have watched this year. Such an underrated movie. <br/><br/>Its like a mixture of Project X / 22 Jump Street / The Hangover / We are Your Friends. If you like those type of movies then you will love this movie.<br/><br/>I don&#39;t know why people are giving this such bad reviews. Car chases, plot twists, love story, partying - whats not to like. <br/><br/>Look the acting is not 10/10 and the actors are not well known but its way better than any big budget comedy/romance films this year.<br/><br/>Give it a watch. I highly recommend Logan (Devon Werkheiser) is a poor little rich boy whose parents want to send him to Stanford, but he aspires to be a DJ and mix tapes. His best friend is Blake (Sean Marquette) who is filled with ideas to get them in trouble. Logan likes Lina (Sara Paxton) and stalks her on Spring Break in Puerto Vallarta. Here he discovers she aches for Connor, and Logan is too boring for her. Gaby (Camilla Belle) an 11 on a scale of 10, throws herself at Logan…he is a great looking guy or is it his Rolex which is now gone and the last half of the film is filled with teen comedy antics to recover the item…get a girl and become a DJ. Sorry for those formula spoilers.<br/><br/>The film was basically a dumb modern teen sex comedy complete with the penis drawing on the face and cross dresser. I failed to laugh at one scene, and the characters were shallow human beings. Poorly conceived and executed unless you are into DJ&#39;smany soundboard people played themselves.<br/><br/>Guide: F-word. Implied sex. Nudity. Sundown is the misbegotten lovechild of “The Hangover” and “Project X”: Stupendous in its stupidity, offensive in its attempts to be funny, and downright unpleasant from beginning to end.
Mestherpati Admin replied
337 weeks ago